Weather Sumpetar
Light rain
Sunrise 06:37 |
Sunset 19:19 |
Wind 5.2 km/h |
Pressure 1008.0 hPa |
Precipitation 0.0 mm |
Weather forecast for Sumpetar for the next 6 days
Tuesday, 01
11°C Partly cloudy
Precipitation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 4.8 kmh 79 |
Pressure | 1006.8 hPa |
Wednesday, 02
14°C Partly cloudy
Precipitation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 4.1 kmh 85 |
Pressure | 1008.5 hPa |
Thursday, 03
12°C Cloudy
Precipitation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 1.6 kmh 78 |
Pressure | 1017.5 hPa |
Friday, 04
10°C Clear sky
Precipitation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 1.8 kmh 43 |
Pressure | 1016.3 hPa |
Saturday, 05
10°C Partly cloudy
Precipitation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 1.0 kmh 54 |
Pressure | 1009.3 hPa |
Sunday, 06
6°C Light rain showers
Precipitation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 5.3 kmh 51 |
Pressure | 1006.1 hPa |
Apartments IN Nazor - Dugi Rat
apartment: A6+3, A4+2
bed capacity: 2 - 10
from 8 Eur/bed
to the sea 100 m